Tuesday, September 8, 2020

What is the Net Worth and Exactly why Is It So Important?


Poor people focus on their working income. The most common question asked is "how much do you make?" not "how much is your net worth?". I will be making general statements about poor and rich people throughout this article. I am just talking about money here, nothing else and the statements are general. I don't want anybody to think I believe that poor people don't have value and rich people are all that. Let's just focus on it meaning how much money you have. Most of us were programmed to believe that you "have to work hard for money". No question, working hard is important but working hard alone will never make you rich. How do I know that? I take a look around at all the people I work with. Most of them are hard workers and I have been working with them for years. There are billions of people who slave away, working their tails off all day and even all night long. Are they all rich? In the book, Millionaire Mindset, it's called Parkinson's law:

"Here's what is normal in our society. You have a car, you make more money, and you get a better one. You have a house, you make more money and you get a bigger house. In general, as income goes up, expenses almost invariably go up too."

That is why income alone will never create wealth! Think back to when you first started working. How much were you making then compared to now? Do you have any more money in your pocket now? How about your savings? Poor people struggle just to pay the bills and buy groceries. Time to make a change. It's time to increase your net worth.


The true measure of wealth is net worth, not working income. Net worth is the financial value of everything you own minus your debt. Today, a large percentage of people probably have a negative net worth. With the proliferation of credit cards and jobs being scarce many more people are declaring bankruptcy. Stop thinking that the only way to become wealthy is to be paid more for your job or working more jobs. There are four net worth factors - income, savings, investments and simplification. Working income is important because it gives us more money to save and invest. Simplification means changing your lifestyle to create more income. Maybe it means giving up that expensive coffee everyday and taking that money and investing it. You won't have to think long about something you buy often that you don't really need, right? I am sure Donald Trump doesn't think at the end of the day "wow, I worked 12 hours today, think of how much overtime I will get paid? Start thinking like a rich person and look for more ways to create income. When Donald Trump went bankrupt did he look for a job? I am sure there are many companies that would have loved to hire him, right? No, he looked for investments and ways to recreate his wealth. The best way you can earn more income without trading dollars for time is to start your own business. The tax deductions just for having a home based business are worth it. You can create wealth apart from your day-to-day job by investing just a few hours a day.

alan autry net worth

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