Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Energy Healing And Body Talk

Energy Healing And Body Talk

These days there are so many healing techniques available to us, like

Quantum Touch


Touch for Health

Zero Balancing

Healing Touch


Chakra Balancing

Ki Gong

the list goes on and on. It's exciting to know that more and more people around the world are accepting the healing value of alternative and complementary modalities.

When we take a class in any one of these invaluable techniques, the focus of course is on learning the technique...

--how to protect ourselves from picking up clients' "stuff"

--how to channel or run energy through our bodies out to our hands

--how to approach and treat certain kinds of issues

--the body mechanics we use, etc.

What I see missing from the classes is how to assess the body healing type of the individual we are working with. What do I mean by that?

Over the years, doing energy healing from the 1980s to the present time, I started to realize that with each person, I was addressing the energy flow to their bodies in a different way. Yes, there is the technique to follow, but after a while the practice becomes almost second nature. I found that as I was "listening" to the bodies, I was "talking" to them differently. And I haven't found that kind of body talk mentioned anywhere in the energy healing field.

Of course, I think that each energy healing therapist has a particular way that their inner dialog with the client feels most comfortable or most natural. But what I found was that, when I shifted my own inner preference for how I channeled or ran energy to match my client's healing type, their recovery occurred in shorter lengths of treatment time.

So here's what was shown to me in the course of my years in energy healing: There are three basic types of healing preference that each body has: physical, mental, and spiritual. That seems to line up nicely with the complementary approach to body-mind-spirit healing, which is about the triune nature of being human. But what I'm referring to is the dominant energy healing preference each body is wired for. Each person's body responds most effectively to the type of energy transfer that matches his or her own energy healing type.

So sometimes I found I would be silently talking to the body and explaining what it was going through and encouraging it to heal itself. "Yes, you had a bad fall. You know your knee is injured, and you know how to fix it. You know how to do this." This silent body talk flowed into their bodies along with the energy. This was obviously for a mental body healing type.

Other times I found myself praying. Sometimes it was a standard prayer, sometimes it was a free-flowing appeal to the person's guides or angels or Christ Spirit or Mary or an archangel or the Universal Healing Forces. Whatever came to mind to say, this prayer-type energy flowed into the spiritual body healing type.

And of course, there's the physical body type. This was a bit of a challenge for me, since most of the energy healing I do is in the bio-field around the body and there's little or no physical contact. But the physical body healing type needs to feel it for it to respond more readily with its own inner healing mechanisms.

So I'd touch the area in need, sometimes deeply, while my inner body talk with that person was more along the lines of a cheerleader, "Here it is. Go. Fix this. You can do it." Or sometimes there wasn't that much dialog, just a lot of purposeful contact while I ran energy.

By the 1990s, I figured it would be easier for me to know ahead of time which client was which body healing type before the session started so that I could start the body talk right away. Since I'd been learning how to do dowsing, I asked my pendulum what the type was. You can probably also use finger-muscle testing, if you're familiar with that. It's a simple yes-no process of elimination as you ask which healing type your client is.

There were some surprises that I learned along the way, too. People who I thought for sure would be one type turned out to be another, even though their personalities clearly indicated something else. Like my Dad. Here was a guy who was totally immersed in 3-D. If he couldn't see it, it didn't exist. A very physical guy. When he got older and started having health problems (and let me work on them, which wasn't all the time), I dowsed and - lo and behold - his healing body type was a spiritual!!!

Then there's my Mom, who I thought for sure would be a spiritual type, but the dowsing told me she was a physical! She believed in the old-country ways of laying on of hands, had a strong church connection, which Dad didn't have, and was even known to have healing hands when she was younger (which was great for us as kids). But her body responded more effectively to the physical body touch-approach.

It reminded me of something I came across in the Edgar Cayce holistic health readings. He talked about the "body mind" as though it was something different or separate from the conscious mind. And now I understood that. The body does have a mind of its own. And when we address that clearly, it responds more readily to whatever healing energy we deliver.

Another surprise was that some people turn out to have dual types. This is more rare, but when you find it, it gives you more variety in how you frame your inner dialog with the body.

Finally, one night in the late 1990s as I was meditating, it was revealed to me that what my guidance had shown me described the way our Master Teacher, Jesus the Christ, healed people. For many of us, Christ's healings in the New Testament were our first exposure to energy healing, even though we probably thought of it as magical or superhuman, not something we could all do (even though He said we could). Maybe even some of the priests and pastors of our formal churches did the "laying on of hands." But think about this:

When Jesus healed the blind man, he put mud on the man's eyes and rubbed it in. Then the man could see. This was an example of the physical body healing type. The man needed to feel something happening to his eyes.

When He told the cripple that his sins were forgiven, or to rise up and walk, He was addressing a mental body healing type. The man simply got up and walked away. There was no contact at all with him.

Finally, when a woman touched the hem of His garment and He asked her why she did that, she replied that that's what she knew she needed to do to be healed. Definitely spiritual or faith healing.

There also is one other example of a type of healing Jesus did and that was when the Roman soldier asked Him to heal his good servant who was not present at the time. This was a beautiful and dramatic example of both distance healing for the servant and faith healing on the part of the soldier.

During the course of working with many clients over the years, my own guidance has revealed techniques and understandings that were invaluable in helping my people regain function and health sooner and more easily. You can use this information for yourself as well during those times you need to amplify more healing resource into your own body. I hope you find this information applicable in your own interactions with people in need.

energy healing

Thursday, September 10, 2020

7 Tips to Choose the Mobile App Development Company

7 Tips to Choose the Mobile App Development Company

A unique mobile app idea can literally change the world. Apps like Facebook, Pinterest or Uber are immensely popular today, not due to the fact that those were started by famous business personas. It is rather the innovative approach of these mobile apps that has taken the technological world by storm.

With increasing number of tech-savvy users across the globe, mobile application development has created disruptions across all major industries for offering business-friendliness, great ease of use, and on-the-go data accessibility to employees and customers alike. As the need for mobile application development keeps surmounting, a lot of mobile app development companies have come up to deliver right and specific app solutions to their clients.

These companies can help you get started with the mobile app development process, especially if you have a creative app development idea in your mind. But, what if you don't have any idea and yet require a mobile app for your business? Or, you have the perfect concept of how you want your business app to be, but want that within the very tight deadline or budget? Here's where a careful selection plays a role.

To put it in simply, you need to pick out a company that understands your business requirements and can provide innovative solutions as per your specifications and guidelines. Just making a search on Google for a mobile app development company will not do; there are thousands of such companies that offer just this, and thus, leads to a whole lot of confusion. You need to analyze, sort and put modified requirements on the search engine to get the right results.

Wondering how to go about it? Here are some tips from the App development team that will help you choose the best mobile app development company for your business.

7 Effective Tips to Choose the Mobile App Development Company

If you have a mid-to-large scale business, the mobile app can be a very crucial part of your business growth strategy. Therefore, you have to choose a mobile app development company that has an innovative approach along with futuristic thinking. But before you judge the strengths and weaknesses of any company, you need to begin by assessing your organizational needs and check whether the chosen company can fulfill those. Here are 7 proven tips for finding the mobile app company of your choice:

1. Know What Your App Requirements Are

It might sound like a no-brainer but having a thorough understanding of your app development requirements can certainly help you in filtering the mobile app development companies. This process should start with the close analysis of the specific business demands and objectives, which you need to convert into meaningful app features and functionalities. We have seen that a lot of our clients struggle while determining what they want from their business app. To help them progress, we provide a questionnaire that helps drive them toward their goal:

What types of products/services are you trying to sell?

Where do you want your app to be: on Android, iOS, Windows-based Mobile Application Development Platforms?

Who will build your user base?

What kind of mobile app do you want- native, hybrid or web-based apps?

Once you are convinced about what you want from the app, you are ready to move to the next step.

2. Inquire About their App Delivery Time-to-Market

Faster 'time-to-market' is the new demand in today's' age of digital disruption. If your chosen mobile app development company is slow at rolling out apps to the market, there is an increasing possibility that you will fall behind your competition. The quicker your business app hits the market, higher would be your ROI. Therefore, concentrate on choosing mobile app development companies that deliver high-quality apps quickly, while keeping in mind the changing trends in the app development market.

3. Take a Close Look at their Portfolios

Once you open the website of any mobile app development company, start by checking their portfolios. Portfolios provide a good overview of the business domains and project themes the company has been involved in, and the kind of technical expertise they hold. You can also get in touch with the company to understand whether they have worked on the kind of app you want before or have the potential to deliver it.

4. Check How Affordable They Are

When it comes to choosing the right mobile app development company, you will always find the development cost and app quality to be in conflict. A lot of organizations opt for start-ups to keep the development cost low and receive a finished product which has little market relevancy. On the other hand, it is wrong to assume that best mobile app development companies offering quality app solutions will be always high-priced. What you need to keep in mind here is that only strong market players can afford to provide quality apps at efficient costs. If you choose to go for long-established companies with good market visibility, you will notice that their charges are comparatively lesser than the start-ups and others.

5. See How Transparent Their Process Is

The product development cycle and transparency policy followed by the mobile app development company also play a very important role in the selection process. Low code methods of mobile application development have gained immense popularity for faster app delivery, but few leading mobile app development companies in US follow it nowadays. In addition, look for companies that provide transparent communication and feedback loops in the development process for holding better mutual understanding, and promptly respond to errors and iteration requests.

6. Check Their Experience and Reputation Online

Market reputation and experience speak volumes about the credibility of a mobile app development company. Apart from checking the portfolios, keep an eye on the number of positive reviews posted about a particular company, years of experience in the app development domain, and the different kinds of mobile application development services that they provide. Just remember that you can achieve good Return on Investment (ROI) from your app only when the company chosen by you can deliver solutions with innovative, out-of-the-box ideation. Also, if a company projects in-depth knowledge of multiple mobile device requirements and all popular Mobile Application Development Platforms including Android and iOS, rest assured that they are capable of delivering what you want from them.

7. Mark Their Customer Approach

If you end up choosing app development companies offering poor customer service, you are likely to face troublesome issues right from the development stage. A lot of organizations fall prey to mobile app development companies that are just trying to sell their app and will disappear from the scene once the deal is done. Only companies with good market reputation and a loyal client base understand their customer worth and are always ready to assist you at every step so choose the best mobile app development company

app development company Utah

Tuesday, September 8, 2020

What is the Net Worth and Exactly why Is It So Important?


Poor people focus on their working income. The most common question asked is "how much do you make?" not "how much is your net worth?". I will be making general statements about poor and rich people throughout this article. I am just talking about money here, nothing else and the statements are general. I don't want anybody to think I believe that poor people don't have value and rich people are all that. Let's just focus on it meaning how much money you have. Most of us were programmed to believe that you "have to work hard for money". No question, working hard is important but working hard alone will never make you rich. How do I know that? I take a look around at all the people I work with. Most of them are hard workers and I have been working with them for years. There are billions of people who slave away, working their tails off all day and even all night long. Are they all rich? In the book, Millionaire Mindset, it's called Parkinson's law:

"Here's what is normal in our society. You have a car, you make more money, and you get a better one. You have a house, you make more money and you get a bigger house. In general, as income goes up, expenses almost invariably go up too."

That is why income alone will never create wealth! Think back to when you first started working. How much were you making then compared to now? Do you have any more money in your pocket now? How about your savings? Poor people struggle just to pay the bills and buy groceries. Time to make a change. It's time to increase your net worth.


The true measure of wealth is net worth, not working income. Net worth is the financial value of everything you own minus your debt. Today, a large percentage of people probably have a negative net worth. With the proliferation of credit cards and jobs being scarce many more people are declaring bankruptcy. Stop thinking that the only way to become wealthy is to be paid more for your job or working more jobs. There are four net worth factors - income, savings, investments and simplification. Working income is important because it gives us more money to save and invest. Simplification means changing your lifestyle to create more income. Maybe it means giving up that expensive coffee everyday and taking that money and investing it. You won't have to think long about something you buy often that you don't really need, right? I am sure Donald Trump doesn't think at the end of the day "wow, I worked 12 hours today, think of how much overtime I will get paid? Start thinking like a rich person and look for more ways to create income. When Donald Trump went bankrupt did he look for a job? I am sure there are many companies that would have loved to hire him, right? No, he looked for investments and ways to recreate his wealth. The best way you can earn more income without trading dollars for time is to start your own business. The tax deductions just for having a home based business are worth it. You can create wealth apart from your day-to-day job by investing just a few hours a day.

alan autry net worth

Saturday, September 5, 2020

Making the Right Choice of Residential Cleaning Companies

Making the Right Choice of Residential Cleaning Companies

In the old days, there was no need for anybody to hire residential cleaning services to keep their homes spic-and-span. But with the prevalence of families where both parents hold down regular jobs, not to mention single-parent families, the presence of these companies has become more valuable than ever. If you have never hired a residential cleaning company before, here are a few guidelines to help you in your search.

The first thing to consider would be the type of company you would want to work with. You may have the money to hire one of the several national franchised companies, or you may also want to tighten the belt and go with someone working independently. There are also local residential cleaning companies that operate on a smaller level than franchises. Do you have friends or family who know somebody they can recommend? If you don't, then the Internet and the phone book are great places to look. Regardless of who ends up in your shortlist of prospective companies, you can make things much easier on yourself if you're prepared for the interview process.

So how should you interview a residential cleaning company? Well, the first question you should be asking would always be regarding the company's experience in the business. In line with that, do they have references they can provide? Does the company offer insurance or any form of protection in case they do not provide you with your money's worth? Do they offer protection to their own employees pursuant to local and national labor and insurance codes? How many people work for the company, and how many of these workers are employed full-time? What type of equipment or cleaning agents do they use? This is just a very quick sampling of interview questions. However, these are also the most fundamental questions you should be asking a residential cleaning company, so do take note of them.

If the answers to the above questions are mostly, if not completely to your liking, then you can lay the cards on the table, hope they do the same, and start talking pricing. Transparency is very important - this applies to both parties in the transaction. You want to be very sure they don't ding you for hidden costs when they hand you the bill. And you also want to get the best bang for your buck, so be sure you're dealing with a company that offers a fair price for their specific services.

And once you've decided on a residential cleaning company, you should remember to treat their staff with courtesy and professionalism. Be effusive with your praise and tactful if you have to criticize. Cleaning companies are not unlike other businesses - show their workers respect and they'll do the same to you. Who knows, you may eventually get a neat little discount on their services if you prove yourself over time as a loyal and trusted customer!

Residential cleaning

Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Corporate English Language Training Practice - Global Expansion For Corporations

Corporate English Language Training Practice - Global Expansion For Corporations

National corporations are bound by the limits surrounding the borders of their country. The world is growing smaller and smart businesses take advantage of this. If you are a national corporation looking to go international, the employees who will interact with these international clients need to know the "business language of the world" - English. Being fluent in English provides additional clientele and retains clients by avoiding blunders caused by miscommunication. Speaking the same language well saves time, frustration, and money. Intelligent CEO's are seeking out corporate English language training practice for their executives and customer service personnel.

Language acquisition is best accomplished one-on-one because the teacher can provide immediate feedback and answer any questions right away. However, individual lessons may not be cost-efficient if a company has multiple employees to train. Small training groups of around 4 can still provide that focused individualized training and feedback that facilitates quick progress. Corporate English language training practice is quickest and most productive if people are grouped according to the types of English the employees need to improve. If highly technical language is necessary to some but not to others, two groups could be formed to speed up the progress of all.

A corporation should look for teachers who are highly trained, native English speakers in order to avoid wasted money. Trained teachers who are natively fluent speed up the language learning process. However, flying employees to these teachers multiple times for language lessons or bringing the teacher in to the company can both be highly expensive endeavours. The solution is an online corporate English language training practice program. Online courses can connect a business with the most qualified teachers at the convenience of the company and at a much lower cost because there are no travel expenses. Online programs also help corporations sidestep the frustration of finding a qualified teacher who is a native English speaker.

Corporations should choose an online English training company that is friendly, flexible, and responsive to requests. The company should tailor the training to the specific needs of the business and not just follow a standard program. Video conferencing is the best method for online corporate English language training practice because it allows for a highly interactive environment and immediate feedback for questions and pronunciation. As employees improve their English language skills, the potential growth of the corporation can exponentially expand. Investing in language practice is investing the future of the company.


The Benefits and Features Of IPTV

The Benefits and Features Of IPTV

IPTV stands for Internet Protocol Television. This concept is getting popular in the here and now. The features of IPTV offer a great viewing experience and allow you to view your desired content.

What is IPTV?

Most IPTV services use MPEG4, H264 or propriety protocols for broadcast or multicast. IPTV can be used to enjoy VoD, adverts, remote windows, and normal TV. As far as technology is concerned, IPTV uses a wide concept and offers a lot of applications.

IPTV allows you to create custom channels so you can choose the channels you want to watch. So, you have the freedom to opt for and pay for the channels you like. This way you can reduce the cost and pay for only those channels you watch. Aside from this, you can enjoy a lot of other features, such as live internet TV.

IPTV helps today's advertisers to target their ad campaigns at their desired demographics. The channels that the users subscribe to allow advertisers to find out more about the choice and lifestyle of the customers. Based on this info, they can recognize their target audience and create their ad campaigns accordingly. For instance, the manufacturer of sports products can aim their advertisement campaigns at the subscribers of sports channels.

Basically, IPTV is a means of media broadcasting, which is popular for live broadcasts and Video on Demand. It allows users to watch their desired content whenever they want.

Features and Advantages of IPTV

Many users still have no idea of the IPTV concept. Therefore, it's important to shed some light on the features of this technology. This will help users get a better understanding of IPTV. As said earlier, IPTV is the abbreviated form of Internet Protocol Television. With this technology, you can receive a lot of channels through your Internet connection. All you need to do is connect your device to the Internet. As soon as they are connected, you can enjoy a lot of channels for free of cost. Besides, you can choose from a lot of packages that different companies provide.

One of the main advantages of the service is that you can access a host of channels. You can choose any of your desired channels and pay for those channels only.

Another advantage is that you can enjoy a lot of other features and services as well, such as Voice over IP, digital video recorder and a lot of other awesome additions.

If you opt for IPTV, you can record your desired TV shows and watch them later based on your convenience. Besides, the service allows you to move a lot of PC-based features to your TV. You can also enjoy HD videos without the problem of buffering. This way you can save a lot of time.

The Takeaway

In short, IPTV offers a lot of features that can improve your viewing experience and gives you the liberty to choose the type of content you want to watch. Therefore, it's the most popular option in the here and now.

iptv provider