Thursday, July 16, 2020

Happy Wheels

Happy Wheels

Happy Wheels is a video game involving various wheeled characters. From segway guy to wheelchair man, the characters are as funny as the game is bloody. It is available to players on many different platforms and has been a popular game with children and teens for years.

The gameplay is easy for any player to learn in a matter of minutes. First, the player picks a character from a host of sometimes ironic, sometimes hilarious, sometimes wholesome characters. Although none of these characters have names, they are all loved by the players and have all gotten 'names' based on characteristics. Most of these are self-explanatory. There is Wheelchair man, a man, you guessed it, who is stationed in a rocket-powered wheelchair. Segway Guy is a favorite of many players; a talented Segway-ist, he can even hop on the small vehicle. Irresponsible Dad is one of the few players to have more than one character on the bike, and while his small son is unnamed, the Dad is named such due to his frankly reckless protection of his son. The Effective Shopper is all set for any shopping trip-- she sits in a motorized wheelchair with a shopping cart basket attached. The moped couple sits lovingly on their moped together, although one of them is often thrown off during gameplay, they seem hilariously unaware of their future. Lawnmower man has a particularly vicious vehicle. When NPCs get in the way of this character, it is easy to brush them out of the way. Explorer guy has one of the most unique vehicles he rides in a minecart. Santa Clause is pulled by elves, which can sometimes be unfortunately bloody. Pogostick man has a pogo stick that he is skilled at hopping on. The Irresponsible Mom has not one, but two children that are subject to her hilariously poor parenting skills. Finally is helicopter man, the newest edition to the cast of characters.

Although each character may have some specific attributes that might be different than the rest of the characters, for the most part, they all have the same controls. On a keyboard, up is accelerate, down is reverse. Right is tilt forward, left is tilt backward. Space is hop or jump if the character can.

Now, for the map. Each map has different obstacles, but all maps have the possibility of causing bodily harm to the characters in hilariously grotesque ways. Although this game is not for the faint of heart, for the more callous of players, this is a perfect game. There are axes, grinders, big drops and explosions. The goal is to make it to the finish line at the end of the map without fatally harming your character.

Happy Wheels is definitely not for everyone. If you don't like blood or the cracking of necks, maybe take a rain check on this one, but if you find the grotesque more hilarious than revolting, though this darkly funny game is for you.

happy wheels game

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