Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Pointers to Help You Maximize Your Auto Warranty

Pointers to Help You Maximize Your Auto Warranty

Owner of a new to you or new car? If you haven't gotten the car checked over for pre-existing damages, do so soon. Repairs can crop up quickly and become costly with just one trip to the mechanic. If you do not have a car warranty to help cover repair costs, the deal that was gotten on the car can quickly become negligible as money instead goes toward repairs.

An auto warranty is an investment to help ensure that repairs are taken care of without a high cost out of pocket. A majority of used cars come with no auto warranty at all. Thus, looking into additional warranty coverage after a car is purchased is highly recommended. Warranties come in all shapes and sizes, however, and knowing which to choose is a matter of how much you want to spend as well as what you want covered.

Take a look at these points before purchasing an auto warranty to ensure that the coverage you buy will be the best fit for you. For those who already own extended auto warranty coverage, a quick glance to ensure you know the answers to these questions can help put you in the position to maximize what you get from your coverage should the need arise.

1. Always read your contract before you sign off. Knowing what auto warranty to choose is half the battle. Make sure you read everything on the contract and if the contracting company refuses to show you the contract, move on to your next choice because something fishy is going on.

2. Know where your repairs are done. All repair shops should be able to do your repairs and if your car warranty states that you are confined to certain repair centers, either change your warranty or do not sign up for the contract.

3. How are your claims paid? It is important that you find a company that pays for your repairs out of their pocket, not yours.

4. How is your deductible applied and how much is it? If you have a deductible, make sure you know what it is and when you need to pay for it before you sign on the dotted line.

5. What is your expiration mileage and do you know how it is calculated? Almost every car warranty is built on the "odometer rule", which means one your vehicle reaches a certain number, your warranty runs out. If this is the case with you and your warranty, make sure you know that number.

6. Make sure you know what your cancellation policy is. Most warranties will have cancellation policies and some will even refund 100% of your money up to a certain date. Make sure you are aware of the terms.

7. Do you have a transfer option? A transfer option is important because it raises the value of your car significantly. People love a car that is insured already.

8. Always get inspections performed before buying a warranty. The more you know about a car, the better. Getting it checked before you buy an auto warranty is smart economics.

9. Always make sure you have a copy of your policy in the car at all times. If you have a breakdown or you are in need or dire repairs, having that policy on hand will save you plenty of time and heartache.

10. Perform routine maintenance. Performing maintenance every once in a while will let you know what is wrong with your vehicle. Often, regular maintenance is required to keep your warranty from voiding.

carshield auto warranty

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