Sunday, October 7, 2018

What Does Your Christian T-Shirt Say About You?

Most generally, people don't go out and buy a t-shirt that they think is unattractive, says something that they don't agree with or one they don't think is 'cool'. People will buy a specific t-shirt to make a statement, raise awareness or just because they like it. Now whether it is the colors you like or the message the t-shirt says, a lot of people wear clothing that represent them as individuals. I personally where Christian t-shirts because of the message it sends. Now I know there are plenty of people out there that don't care at all what shirt they wear, which is perfectly fine, I'm just referring to the people that buy a specific t-shirt for a specific reason.

A believer's goal it to spread God's word in as many ways as possible. "And He (Jesus) said to them, 'Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature.'" (Mark 16:15 NKJV) We want people to know the Good News of Jesus Christ. As a believer, my one wish would be for everyone who is unbelieving to experience what the truth really is. Now I understand that a Christian t-shirt is not going to make a person a believer, but it is one more opportunity to show people the real meaning of life.

As everyone knows, every choice we make has a consequence. A lot of people view the word "consequence" as a negative word. Most generally you hear the phrase "you will suffer the consequences of your actions," now that sounds very negative mainly because the word suffer is in there. There are very positive consequences to many situations also. It all comes down to the choices we make. Picture it this way, if you have two drag cars lined up to race and the light turns green, there are many consequences that could happen. The positives may include that you could be the fastest down the track, you could win or you could lose and have nothing go wrong. On the negative side when the light turns green the car could explode, you could lose control or you could end up in the competitors lane colliding with them and killing both you and the other driver.

When it comes to our spiritual life choices, the same consequences apply. We can choose to do what is right, surrender our lives to Christ and have everlasting life or we can choose to deny Christ and have everlasting torment. To me my life is not worth gambling with. Eternity is eternity and when a person stops and thinks about it, it is almost hard to comprehend because everything in this life has an end. Just think about it; for ever and ever, no end. Which choice would you like to make?

Christian T shirts

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