Thursday, July 26, 2018

wedding advertising

If you're running your own wedding planning business, then chances are you've already discovered that your wedding advertising is either going to make or break you. Obviously, the goal is to get the highest rate of return on your investment, netting you the greatest number of responses for the least cash outlay on your part. Making that a reality isn't going to happen instantly. It's a process of testing and tweaking over time that will yield you the maximum results. Still there are a few simple steps which you can begin to take that, over time, will improve the results of your advertising efforts dramatically.

Internet Marketing

For most small businesses, internet marketing is the most affordable solution while yielding the best results. The wedding business is no exception. Still, you can lose your shirt if you aren't careful. You have to be smart about it. The first error to avoid is purchasing ads on a "per impression" basis instead of a "per click" basis. In the first case, you pay a small sum (usually a percentage of a cent) every time your ad is displayed, whether it gets clicked on or not. With "pay per click" advertising, you only pay when somebody actually clicks on your ad, which is exactly what you want.

Tracking Your Performance

In order to get the best results in the long run from this type of advertisement, you need to have some kind of mechanism in place to keep track of your results. One thing you'll want to know is what percentage of people who click on your ad actually ends up purchasing your services. This is known as your "conversion rate." Once you've ascertained it, start running a second ad with slightly different wording. After a while, drop the ad with the lowest performance and replace it with yet another one. Keep doing that, and your conversion rate should continue to improve, which means so the size of your bank should account.

Qualifying Your Clicks

When you're changing that wording, keep in mind what your goal is: namely, a sale. You're trying to attract people who are willing to spend some money, so it's probably best to resist the temptation to use the word, "free" in your advertising. Instead, try phrases like, "Affordable, Professional Wedding Planning," or, "Wedding Planning On A Budget." Also noteworthy here is that, as you can see, the normal rules of capitalization do not apply to the headlines you'll be using in your wedding advertising.

wedding advertising

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