Saturday, November 18, 2017

teach a child to read

Reading is one of the most important skills that your child needs to develop. It opens a whole new world that forms a gateway to the imagination and broadening the mind.

If you want to teach your child to read or to help them pick up this skill when they start learning at school or kindergarten, the most important resources that you need are time and patience.

When a child first learns to read, it is hard because the text is a series of disjointed letters that, when they are put together, hardly sound like words. To hold their interest at this time is difficult, and it therefore requires much patience as the child repeats the letters slowly.

One way to encourage your child to get over this hump is to buy or borrow colorful, beautifully illustrated books, with large letters that are easy to follow. This will arouse the child's interest even more as they will want to read the beautiful book.

Don't force the child to "run before they can walk" either. Take it step by step, until the child has built up each stage of their reading skills.

Start off with a few letters or words a day. If the child seems tired and unwilling to concentrate, leave it for a while and try again later. If you make reading into a dull chore, the child will be less willing to learn.

Don't belittle the child if they make a mistake or interrupt them too many times. Gently read with them and let them practice the letters and words over again until they have gotten the idea. Repeating the same text over and over can be very helpful because it will help the child familiarize himself with the words and letters more easily.

Another rule to successful reading is practice makes perfect. Have your child look at books and even, if possible, try to teach themselves using creative ways. Kids are generally very resourceful and can kind ways to utilize tools as their disposal to accomplish their goals if they are motivated to do so. It is that motivation that will drive them to continue asking questions and wanting to learn more.

In time, hopefully, your child will become an accomplished reader. It takes kids different periods of time to "get it," so make sure that you don't put too much pressure on them. The last thing you want to do is create a negative situation among you and your children.

teach a child to read

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